Five Things I’m Glad Nobody Told Me Before I Started My First Business

David Staab
7 min readMay 16, 2020
Photo by Jonny Caspari on Unsplash (Why yes, all the letters I write to myself DO start with eye-catching ironic photos. Don’t yours?)

Hey David,

I hear you’re about to quit your corporate 9–5 and start your own business. As I understand it, you’re tired of office politics, lackadaisical middle management, and meaningless initiatives. You want to do something worthwhile with your skills. You want to see things done right, with common sense and perspective. And you want control over your lifestyle while you’re doing it.

Cheers, buddy. I applaud you. This is an important decision in your life, and I’m happy you’re making it.

Listen, I’m going to keep some important things secret from you. If you knew them, you’d never step out on your own. I think it best you learn them as you go.

So please don’t read this. At least, not until you put in your notice, okay?

1. You Will Learn to Overwork

Nobody can stop you now. Nobody will model self-restraint for you, either. Everybody in your new life will have liberated themselves from the corporate yoke: freelancers, founders, entrepreneurs, hustlers, salespeople, giggers. They’ve all seen the truth of the rat race and committed themselves to winning life’s game their way, stepping outside the box and tasting real freedom.



David Staab

Healing trauma, spiritual enlightenment, and metaphysics